Based in Paris, France. Currently studying at EPITA, I will be graduating in September 2025 with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence and Data. I previously obtained 2 Bachelor's degrees, 1 in Computer Science and 1 in Mathematics.
Work Experience
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TOEIC 965/990
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Attestation d'aptitude fluides frigorigènes Catégorie I
Yes, I am actually certified to handle refrigerants and do AC maintenance.
Check out my project history
(Some sources are missing as i am not allowed to share them)
Developed an end-to-end MLOps pipeline using AWS services. The goal is to automate the deployment and monitoring of machine learning models.
Super TermiCATor
Looking to develop a full-fledged application leveraging AWS services based on TermiCATor. The goal is to leverage serverless technologies, build a fully automated SageMaker pipeline, and more.
PINKCC Radiomics
Developed a radiomics evaluation to predict outcome in locally advanced rectal cancer with tumor deposits. Analyzing RMI images and clinical data.
Developed an application to simulate IoT devices leading to alerts and notifications. Prioritizing scalability. Using Spark Streaming, Scala and Terraform for IaC. Kafka locally. Kinesiss on AWS.
Weather Forecast
Developed a weather prediction application using React, deployed using Azure. Users give image or tabular data, the model predicts the weather.
Movie recommender
Developed a movie recommender system combining collaborative filtering and content-based filtering. Using MovieLens and IMDB datasets.
CNN: Boat classification
Categorizing 128x192 pixels images into 10 different classes. Using a CNN with less than 30 layers. Ranked 6th out of 99.
NLP landscape: ABSA
Implemented different models for classic and aspect-based sentiment analysis on restaurant reviews. N-grams, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, TF-IDF, word2vec, neural networks, FFNN, RNN, Transformers
Financial Data Analysis
Developed a financial data analysis tool inspired by TradingView. Storing data in a TimescaleDB database, using Dash for the frontend and Python for the backend. With indicators feature and more.
bioptim GUI
Developed during my internship at Université de Montréal. Flutter application with a FastAPI backend. Enabling users to easily create and optimize trampoline routines for gymnasts through bioptim (optimal control library).
Portfolio V1
Developed a first version of my portfolio website using React and Ant Design. Deployed with AWS Amplify.
Designed and developed a web-based IDE for the Shrek programming language. The IDE features video player, code editor, python interpreter, parent control, git versioning, maven and more.
Plowing Montreal
Developed an application (with GUI) to simulate the optimization of snow removal in Montreal. Solution based on eulerian path, optimizing cost and time given a resource constraint.
Tiger Compiler
Implemented a compiler for Andrew W. Appel's Tiger language using C++
Implemented a POSIX-compliant shell from scratch.
Coin recognition (image processing)
Developed an image processing script to segment coins in an image and recognize their value (no ML involved).
Chess AI
Developed a chess AI, back-tested by playing games on lichess.org using the API. Achived estimated 1800 ELO.
Big data application
Developed an application to give users the ability to train and visualize machine learning models and bayesian networks on their data without writing code.
Puck picking robot
Developed a program for a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot guided by a color sensor and an ultrasonic sensor to retrieve pucks, leading to a 1m50s performance (9 pucks, 2mx3m play field).
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IA Data Hack, French Ministry of Armed Forces
Paris, France
2nd place winner, developed machine learning models to classify LLM generated responses (Logistic Regression, BERT fine-tuning...).